Our team
Irizar Group

Imanol Rego
Chief Executive Officer, Irizar Group

Gorka Herranz
Finance Director, Irizar Group

Iñigo Alday
Director of International Operations

Javier Goikoetxea
Export Sales Director

Miguel Ángel Pérez
Sales Director of Spain and Portugal

Aitor Etxebeste
Industrial Director of Irizar HQ

Aitor Leturia
Production Director of Irizar HQ

Koldo Telleria
Human Resources Director of Irizar HQ
Our production sites
Irizar México

Arnaud Dordilly
Irizar México Director
Irizar Maroc

Mohammed Abouchane
Irizar Maroc Director
Irizar Asia Pacific

Steve Heanes
Irizar Asia Pacific Director
Irizar South Africa

Danie Human
Irizar South Africa Director